Automatically analyze documents for authorship attribution, contract cheating, plagiarism detection, demographic profiling, and threat assessment.
Currently Supporting .Doc; .Txt; .Rtf; .Eml; .Oft And .Pdf Files.
Authorship Attribution
Authorship Attribution will help to determine authorship of certain documents, where the author is unknown. Authorship Attribution will compare language patterns from source documents, consisting of documents authored by suspect authors, to the documents at question. The results will confirm or reject hypotheses of common authorship (e.g. did the suspect write the ransom note?). The FLINT software provides a method and tool to automate the examination of a large number of documents in a short amount of time, and provide fully transparent empirical results with probabilistic assessment of authorship.
Who is the author of a given document? The user has a pool of suspects whom they believe might have authored the document at question.
Documents of which the authors are known. Multiple documents from each suspect author are uploaded into the FLINT system.
FLINT will perform a linguistic analysis comparing the document at question determine likelihood that the person claiming to have authored the document is indeed the author, running a statistical analysis to determine which of the known authors is the most likely to have authored the document at question.
Report determining which of the authors of the input documents are likely to have authored the document at question, indicating a level of certainty associated with each author.